A bit about the Keto Diet

Today’s post is about the Keto diet. This diet is currently the topic of study in my Nutrition subject and there are a few things I have learned about it that I thought I would share.

It’s origin

The ketogenic diet was actually developed in 1921 by Dr Russell Wilder as a way of treating epilepsy in children. It was created on the premise that using ketones to power the brain causes less seizures that using glucose. This is a fact that has been substantiated by many scientific studies since.

What is keto?

There are several forms of the keto diet that can be modified to suit the individual, but at its heart is the basis is that up to 60% of your diet should be fats, 35% protein and 5 to 10% carbohydrates. This switches the body’s fuel system from using glucose to using ketones. Which are essentially chemicals that the body uses to convert fat to energy instead of glucose.

Along the way, many people experience weight loss. That seems like a great idea you may say, and it is however, there are pitfalls to watch out for.

Are there risks?

There are some health risks or issues, associated with this diet. First of all, there is a feeling of unwellness called keto flu. This is experienced by many keto followers for a week or so after beginning a keto diet. It can include headache, fatigue, vomiting, insomnia, constipation and reduced tolerance to exercise, just to name a few.

Next is a risk of kidney stones. The high acid and phosphate content of a high fat diet can lead to kidney stones; however, this is mostly only a problem if you already have kidney issues. After that we need to consider the nutrient deficiencies. Because of the specific style of this diet there are several nutrients that are simply not there. These include vitamins C, D and E as well as magnesium and calcium.

While all of these can be fortified with supplements, perhaps the most important thing missing is fibre. You see fibre has several different roles. The main one being that it gives bulk to your stool which is one of the bodies main pathways of eliminating toxins. It also feeds the microbiome, which we have spoken about before and its importance in everything, from immune system to mental health.

Are there benefits?

On the plus side it has been shown to help with epilepsy in adults as well as children, which is what it was designed for. Several psychiatric disorders including depression, autism and schizophrenia have been reduced. This is most likely due to reduced inflammation and mitochondrial disfunction. Interestingly in people with a failing heart, a keto diet has been shown to help, as it is a more efficient form of energy for the heart to use.

There are many people for whom a keto diet will work but just as many people that should be wary of it. For example, anyone who has had a cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal) surgery, should avoid this diet, as the body’s ability to digest fats is reduced.

Ultimately this diet is useful in many situations. However, unless medically advised for specific reasons, there are other diets that can achieve similar results. The Mediterranean diet, with its focus on fresh fruit, vegetables, fish and good fats, it is a more sustainable and potentially healthier alternative.

As always, when considering making a radical change to your diet, seek advice from your preferred health professional.

We hope you found this information interesting.

Till the next post,

Live clean n Prosper

Psoriasis and Dermatitis

Today’s post is about two common skin conditions Psoriasis and Dermatitis.

Quite often these two conditions get mixed up and it is easy to do so. While the two are sometimes looked at in a similar light they are quite different.

First – Psoriasis, what is it?

The Mayo Clinic states – “Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes a rash with itchy, scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp.”

There are several different types of Psoriasis – Plaques psoriasis, Guttate psoriasis, Pustular psoriasis, Inverse psoriasis and Erythrodermic psoriasis.

The Clinicians Handbook of Natural Medicine advises that Psoriasis is predominately an immune system issue. It is a condition that causes the skin cells to grow faster than they should resulting in scaley patches. Normal skin cells completely grow and shed (fall off) in a month. With psoriasis, skin cells do this in only three or four days. Instead of shedding, the skin cells pile up on the surface of the skin. These patches occur most often on the scalp, elbows, or knees, but other parts of the body can be affected as well.

What causes it?

Scientists do not fully understand what causes psoriasis, they know that it has a large genetic influence but the environment also plays a role. It can be influenced by smoking, alcohol consumption, even the weather.

Psoriasis has also been linked to other things like Chron’s disease and celiac disease and therefore is thought to have a link to bowel function. Incomplete digestion or poor absorption of protein in the bowel can lead to toxins forming in the bowel leading to increased cell formation.

This can be mediated by some natural compounds that will inhibit the formation of toxins, but are not to be confused with a cure.

Another avenue of investigation is liver function. Because the liver filters blood from the bowel it can become overwhelmed increasing systemic levels of toxins and the result can be Psoriasis.

Interestingly when bone marrow is transplanted from someone without the condition into someone who does suffer from it the Psoriasis has been shown to clear and the opposite is also true.


There are many ways to treat psoriasis, and the treatment plan will depend on the type and severity of disease. Treatments include creams or ointments, as well as pills, injections, or light treatments. Managing common triggers, such as stress and skin injuries, can also help keep the symptoms under control.

Now Dermatitis, what is it?

The Mayo Clinic states – “Dermatitis is a common condition that causes swelling and irritation of the skin that may cause the skin to blister. Ooze, crust or flake.”

There are also several different types of Dermatitis –Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH), Atopic dermatitis (eczema), Contact dermatitis(allergy) and Cradle cap or Seborrheic dermatitis.

Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is a condition that is related to celiac disease. It is sometimes called “celiac disease of the skin.” Generally caused by a reaction to gluten which triggers an auto immune response through things called IgA antibodies. Not all people who have celiac disease have Dermatitis, only around 15-20%, but it is also linked to intestinal health. However, there are other allergens, like milk, that can cause dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis (eczema) is another dermatitis condition that has been linked with diet. People with atopic dermatitis are at risk of developing food allergies, hay fever and asthma.

Contact dermatitis is an itchy rash caused by direct contact with a substance or an allergic reaction to it. The rash isn’t contagious, but it can be very uncomfortable. Many substances can cause this reaction, the most common are cosmetics, fragrances, jewellery and plants. The rash often shows up within days of exposure.

Seborrheic (seb-o-REE-ik) dermatitis is a common skin condition that mainly affects the scalp. It causes scaly patches, inflamed skin and stubborn dandruff. It usually affects oily areas of the body, such as the face, sides of the nose, eyebrows, ears, eyelids and chest. This condition can be irritating but it’s not contagious.

Seborrheic dermatitis, also called dandruff, seborrheic eczema and seborrheic psoriasis. When it occurs in infants, it’s called cradle cap.


The treatment for dermatitis varies, depending on the cause and symptoms.

So, while both of these conditions are a part of the immune response and can tend to look similar, the causes are quite different therefore so are the treatments.

As always with most illnesses beginning in the gut, a review of the diet is a good start and can produce some good results. Further treatments include things like corticosteroids that block the immune system.

As always, seek help through your chosen health professional if you think you are suffering from any of these conditions.

Till the next post,

Live clean n Prosper

Sources – the Mayo ClinicUS National Institute of Health – The Clinicians Handbook of Natural Medicine


Artificial Sweeteners – not so sweet!

Today’s post is about artificial sweeteners.

Alternative sweeteners have had a significant rise in popularity in the past year or 2.

This got me thinking about the different myths that are in circulation about sugar alternatives. There are several and we have all heard of 1 or 2.

Unfortunately, some are driven by marketing companies trying to sell a particular product.

Others started when our grandparents were children and more scientific research had not yet been conducted.

The myth I am going to focus on today is – artificial sweeteners are better for weight loss.

There are so many products on the market that contain artificial sweeteners. The ever-growing use of these products is due to the sweeteners having little or no calories compared to other sugars.

The problem is, no one talks about the side effects of these chemicals. 1 of the sites I used to research this topic listed 7 different artificial sweeteners, many I had not heard of.

I have chosen to focus on 2 that are widely available and known to most people.

First – Aspartame

The discovery of this artificial sweetener in 1965, made it possible to replace sugar with a less caloric product. Mostly listed on ingredient labels as 951, aspartame is up to 200 times sweeter than sugar.

2 widely used, commercially produced forms of aspartame are Equal® or Nutra-Sweet®.

The soft drink industry is quick to point out that the aspartame is a very minor amount that causes no harm in the body. However, that minor amount soon magnifies when you consider the average quantities consumed today. For instance, 1 litre of diet soft drink is an average daily intake for millions of people.

Safety studies have found the metabolism byproducts of aspartame (aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol) to be more harmful to the body than the original substance itself.

For instance, Methanol is first converted in the liver to formaldehyde. While methanol is known to damage the liver, formaldehyde is known to be responsible for the destruction of liver cells.

Methanol found naturally in foods is always accompanied by other compounds which counteracts the dangerous effects of methanol. Aspartame does not contain these.

The recommended maximum intake of methanol is 7.8 mg. per day. However, 1 litre of soft drink containing aspartame actually contains 56 mg. of methanol.

A medical article published in 2021 highlighted that Aspartame consumption can cause mood disorders, mental stress, and depression. Other studies have also found that absorption of aspartame during pregnancy correlates with autism in children.

Second is – Sucralose, also listed as 955

A compound that was originally under consideration as an insecticide became Sucralose. It was invented by accident in 1975 when a laboratory leader at Queen Elizabeth College, London, told an assistant to “test” the chemical, but the assistant misunderstood; he thought that he needed to “taste” it.  After discovering the sweet taste of the compound, the team continued with its scientific work. The research team filed for a patent for ‘Sucralose’ in 1976, and received it in 1984.

The artificial sweetener Splenda®, is a sucralose. It is 600 times sweeter than table sugar; although this can vary from 300 to 1,000 times sweeter, depending on the food application.

This product is advertised as “made from sugar”. It is, via a complicated process that involves five steps that chemically change the structure of the sugar molecule, making it a chlorocarbon.

Chlorocarbons have long been known to cause damage to organs and the reproductive system, which, in turn, causes genetic defects.

The manufacturer has assured the public that sucralose passes through the body unabsorbed. However, it seems that this is not correct. According to Japanese researcher’s, sucralose is absorbed and metabolised into the body by as much as 40%, In particular, the absorbed sucralose has been found to concentrate in the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract.

Studies of sucralose have shown it actually affects a part of the brain, confusing it, making the brain think it needs more calories. This actually translates to an increase in the consumption of calories and therefore an increase in weight.


With this information so readily available, it still amazes me that people will continue to consume products containing these chemicals.

If you’re considering artificial sweeteners to lose weight, try replacing sugary foods and drinks with unsweetened substitutes and slowly cut down on the amount of sugar you use.


I think I will look at other sugar alternatives in some future posts.


Till the next post,

Live clean n prosper

Sources – www.innvista.comNational Library of Medicine –  Environmental Health Journals