Hard Chocolate Biscuits – a recipe

Welcome to 2024, it’s already moving fast.

Today I’m sharing a recipe for Hard Chocolate Biscuits.

Recently I needed to make something for a morning tea and these biscuits are easy to make. The recipe comes from a book called ‘The Eat Real Food Cookbook’ by David Gillespie.

For these biscuits, dextrose is the sweetener, which is a healthier option that caster sugar.

Hard Chocolate Biscuits

(Makes 20 to 28 depending on size)


100g butter

1 cup dextrose

175 g plain flour (I used gluten free)

2 tablespoons cacao powder

¼ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda


* Preheat the oven to 180*C and line a baking tray with baking paper.

* Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat.

* Then add the dextrose, stirring until dissolved, taking care not to let the mix boil.

* Remove the pan from the heat, add in the flour, cacao and bicarb, mixing well.

* Roll spoonful’s of mixture into small balls, place then on the prepared tray and squash with your fingers.

* Bake for 10 to 15 minutes or until coloured but not dark – the biscuits will harden as they cool.

* Cool on the tray until the biscuits harden, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

My notes – I used a tablespoon to scoop my mixture and when the biscuits cooked, they spread quite a bit. This also resulted in only 18 biscuits being made.

I also found that my batch were not a ‘hard’ biscuit. This is fine by us as we like a softer biscuit. If the biscuits aren’t as hard as you like, once they are cool, put them into the oven again for another 5 minutes, then allow to cool completely again.

I hope you enjoy making these biscuits and find them to be a tasty treat.

There is another biscuit recipe in the book I’m going to try and I will let you know how that works out.

Till the next post,

Live clean n prosper.